weekly test series

Research Projects

Research Projects

Sr.No. Topic Details Researcher Amount Category Status Report file Academic year
1 “समकालीन समाजवास्तव व १९९० नंतरची महानगरीय जाणिवांची कथा - एक अभ्यास’ (कथाकार जयंत पवार,पंकज कुरुलकर,समर खडस,सतीश तांबे व विजय तांबे यांच्या विशेष संदर्भात)" Marathi Department B.N Nannaware
Marathi Department

18000/- Mumbai University Minor reasearch Completed View 2016-2017
2 “Exigencies of Private Security Guards employed by Co-operative Housing Societies and Industries in Khopoli City” Commerce Department V.K.Gandhal
Commerce Department

20000/- Mumbai University Minor reasearch Completed View 2016-2017
3 “Improving the Performance and Accuracy of Sentimental Analysis Classifier in Big Data for Price Forecasting using Machine Learning” Computer Science Department Sangeeta Menon
Computer Science Department

25000/- Mumbai University Minor reasearch Scantioned View 2017-2018
4 “Effect of circuit training on selected fitness components and performance of college power lifters” Physical Edu. Department J.V.Mane
Physical Edu. Department

20000/- Mumbai University Minor reasearch Scantioned View 2017-2018
5 “Family Stress and mental health among delinquent and normal adolscents in relation to persistent parental acceptance rejection and gender” Psychology Department Sudam Bhise
Psychology Department

20000/- Mumbai University Minor reasearch Scantioned View 2017-2018
6 “Human Health And Environment Status of Khopoli,Dist Raigad” Economics Department Sanjay Rama Dayare
Economics Department

25000/- Mumbai University Minor reasearch Scantioned View 2017-2018